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NZ Property Investor

Jun 01 2023

The New Zealand Property investor magazine provides readers with information you can use to successfully invest in residential property. You can learn from the experts, read the stories of your fellow investors and keep up to date with the latest house prices and rental statistics.

JUST HOW LOW WILL WE GO? • The prediction of property values is, at best, an imprecise science, so we’ve called in the experts in an attempt to clarify the way ahead.

NZ Property Investor

GOING IN TO BAT FOR LANDLORDS AND TENANTS • The government says it is helping tenants, but the tax grab and extra rules have brought significant negative impacts for all, writes Sue Harrison.

REWIND ON RECESSION • A big turnaround in net migration has prompted Westpac to change its view on the risk of a recession.

SURPRISE OVER DTI TOOL • Moves to finalise debt-toincome restrictions have triggered lively chatter amongst investors.

INVESTORS' BUYING POWER DROPS • Low yields, high mortgage rates and high deposits make it harder to make the sums work.

TENANT'S NOVEL ARGUMENT FAILS THE TEST • Tribunal adjudicator rules in favour of $100-a-week rent rise.

WHEN THE NEIGHBOUR GOES UP • Specific legal advice may well be needed if you hear three-storey units are about to be built next door.

RENTS HEAD UPWARDS IN A QUIET MARKET • House sales and prices may have slumped, but most landlords are looking for a rent boost, writes Sally Lindsay.


IMPLICATIONS OF OCR • The implications of the official cash rate rise shouldn’t lead to an increase in mortgage interest rates, writes Kris Pedersen.

HOME FROM HOME • Buying and renovating properties feels like home for Luke Nicholls, who grew up with an active investor father … and the hard yakka has certainly paid off, writes Amy Hamilton Chadwick.

LUKE NICHOLLS' TOP FIVE TIPS FOR INVESTORS • Lower Hutt based investor Luke Nicholls has a few tips for other young Kiwis who want to get started in property investment.

ARE WE THERE YET? • The question on every investor’s lips is whether the housing market has bottomed out. It’s time for Sally Lindsay to take a close look.

IT'S PAYBACK TIME • A fresh build-to-rent model is breaking new ground by seeing proceeds returned to regular Kiwis, writes Joanna Mathers.

THE BENEFITS OF PLANNING AHEAD • While you can manage projects as they arise there are major advantages of a ‘big picture’ strategy for improvements, writes Caleb Pearson.

RENTAL REFRESH HITS THE SPOT • Small can be beautiful if a renovation is done right, says interior designer Mary-anne Tobin, of Design Addiction, in part one of her shared journal.


DON'T DAMPEN THE VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY • Damp, mouldy homes aren’t just undesirable to live in; they could have you spending more money on basic upkeep and see you lose money on your investment.

SETTING THE STAGE FOR SUCCESS • The right marketing for short-term rentals involves a raft of skills and an expert eye to optimise results, writes Eric Hammond.

'NO CAUSE' TERMINATIONS NOT THE ANSWER • David Faulkner argues the answer to antisocial behaviour is RTA reform and speeding up tribunal proceedings.

GOODBYE DREAM HOME, HELLO DREAM RETIREMENT • When a large home becomes more of a problem than a paradise there are solutions for a golden future, writes Stevie Waring.

WHEN IS WORK MORE THAN MINOR? • The introduction of safe harbour thresholds brings a degree of certainty to this vexed question, writes Mark Withers.

BUILD-TO-RENT A DEVELOPING STORY • As more people struggle to secure affordable housing, build-to-rent projects promise much, but a careful eye on construction methods is needed,...


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