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Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist

March/April 2019

In every issue of Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist you’ll get hands-on expertise, illustrated demos, and projects loaded with valuable tips and design ideas to inspire your own metal jewelry designs. Plus our experts answer all your technical questions, and you’ll learn the pros’ favorite tools and how to use them.

Keep It Simple — Sometimes

Design Challenges


Next Time

Their Turn • a gallery of this issue’s contributors

ACCESSORIES MAKE THE TOOL • The flex shaft is #1 for Peggy Haupt

Google This! • Working the new Google Ads

Sensational Soldering • Tools and supplies for your next time at the torch

CRYSTAL HUES PERSUASION • Stones reflect a blending of fashion, faith, and tradition

BRIGHT VISITOR • A lively, spring green, peridot is mined on Earth — and occasionally streaks in from space

Just the Facts

Fan Maille • This earring design is so pretty, it’s worth spreading the news about!

Antique Cushion • A pretty cut that works very well with peridot

Two Views • A point by point comparison of a richly detailed pendant and a simplified version of it

Take the Long View • Plan, plan, plan, then execute a complex pendant — one step at a time!

Anodize Titanium • To give the background of this piece its colorful landscape effect, I’ve anodized titanium. What follows is a bare-bones description of the process. There is much more you can do to add texture or superimpose one color over another, but for this project, this is all you need.

Simplify the Long View • Keep the main design elements of a complex jewel and cut the difficulty down to size!

You Can Do It All • — or at least Tucson Parks and Rec offers you the chance to learn how to do so much of it

Make a Maker Space • If you’d like to enjoy the benefits of big ticket equipment and camaraderie but there’s no maker space close enough — start your own!

focus on … education

Cool Links • Connect mokumé gané sheet onto textured silver with decorative rivets for an any-occasion bracelet you can make without a torch

Cowboy Chic • Create a minimalist lariat necklace with steel wire links

Chain Effect • Improve your soldering as you turn manufactured chain into fancy wire — then make jewelry with your new stock!

Good Things Come in Threes • A wearable celebration of triangles in silver and garnet



Sam Woehrmann


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