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NZ Property Investor

Nov 01 2023

The New Zealand Property investor magazine provides readers with information you can use to successfully invest in residential property. You can learn from the experts, read the stories of your fellow investors and keep up to date with the latest house prices and rental statistics.

A NEW BUZZ AROUND THE BEEHIVE • Well, New Zealand has a new government and from the conversations we’ve been having with investors, most of you are delighted.

NZ Property Investor

PLEA TO FREE UP FOREIGN INVESTMENT • The right to sell property to anyone across the world should be guaranteed unless ownership triggers national security concerns, says a briefing paper for the new government.

MORTGAGE LENDING UNDER THE MICROSCOPE • Part of the early-stage recovery in the housing market comes from loosened loan-to-value ratio rules.



TAX IMPLICATIONS OF FLATMATES AND BOARDERS • It pays to be aware of tax obligations around both sets of stayers.

GREEN SHOOTS APPEAR IN A SECTION OF SLOW RECOVERY • The rapidly falling house prices of the past 18 months seem to have turned, but any recovery will be subdued, writes Sally Lindsay.


A SENSE OF GOODWILL PERVADES • After a challenging year for many people there are several reasons to be cheerful, writes Kris Pedersen.

IT’S ALL ABOUT CONNECTIONS • Shaun McGivern has used his network of friends, family, property association members and others to create an impressive portfolio, writes Joanna Mathers.

OPENING THE DOOR ON A BRAVE NEW WORLD • As the population soars, New Zealand’s cities and homes will have to adapt as will investors and landlords. Sally Lindsay explores what this means.

EXPERTS REACT TO NEW LEADERSHIP • We’ve canvassed a wide array of New Zealand property investors for their opinions on the result of the general election. Here’s what they had to say about our change of government.

USE WHAT YOU’VE GOT • It’s smart to work with existing features on your property when you pick where to place your outdoor living space, writes Caleb Pearson, of Pearson + Projects.

PULLING IN THE GUESTS • Mary-anne Tobin, of Design Addiction, shares her knowledge around how to best style your holiday rental.


HEALTHY HOMES IN NZ • Building better investments with the H1 code changes.

JOINING THE HUNT FOR A GOOD INVESTMENT • Andrew Nicol casts his eye across West Auckland for the best mix of capital growth and rental yield.

THE IMPORTANCE OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT • By analysing energy use across the lifespan of a building we can find solutions that will cut carbon emissions, writes Anthony Corin.

TIPS ON MANAGING A TRUST NEXT YEAR • Strong governance, good accounting and fairness will play a vital role in the success of a trust, writes Mark Withers.

HIGHER GAINS FOR HIGH-END PROPERTIES • The more discerning traveller can provide luxury property owners with lucrative earning, but what exactly is ‘luxury’ and what’s the best way to capitalise? Eric Hammond explains.

FINDING INSURANCE THAT COVERS EVERYTHING • A building and contents policy on your rented property may not cover all losses unless you have extra specific options, writes Greg Watson.

SECURING A FUTURE AMID A HEALTH SCARE • Property investment can still make sense no matter what the diagnosis, writes Stevie Waring.

UNLOCK THE SECRET TO A SKY-ROCKETING PORTFOLIO • Property guru Nichole Lewis wants to share an intense program that bookmarks success at its main chapter.

DEALING WITH COVENANTS AND BUILDING • Covenants can be tricky, but where there’s a will there can be a way for developers, writes Jenny Turner and Michael Brennan.



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